
Friday, June 19, 2015 12:02 PM 0 Comments

This is for people who have nothing better to do than to judge or say something nasty behind other people's back, I do hope you're happy with doing that. I really hope you aren't just jealous with what that person has or doing to their lives that you take time to bash and say things and act as if you're a better species than them.

If you ever find something about me that bothers you in any way, I'd appreciate it more if you tell it to my face (or straight up calling my attention), rather than trying to be "friends" and then obviously being a basic b*tch and rant it all out on social media.

First off, I wouldn't really care. Unless you are a close friend of mine or I consider you someone worth taking their words for, I couldn't care less. I might thank you for pointing it out, but honestly, your opinion doesn't matter to me.

Second, well, I can't really think of anything to say anymore. I guess that's basically it.

You might be lucky though, I sometimes try to annoy the hell out of you whenever I get bored because it's entertaining to me. Yeah, I'm that much of a psycho, I guess. *grin*

That is all.


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